Self Belief, Support and Resilience Prevails!

“Hey I just checked my credits and I thought I would let you know that I have passed level 2.”

My heart races, I want to scream from the rooftops. OMG my boy has just passed level 2 and I am so bloody proud.

This NCEA business is no mean feat let alone when you are profoundly dyslexic. It has taken hours of support, sitting at the table, reading out material, assisting with the structure of essays, reading responses, assignments and oh the list goes on. To say it takes a village is an understatement. It takes a family who not only believe in education, most importantly they believe in their son's ability to keep going.

Supporting your dyslexic child to reach great heights (their heights) in secondary school is a marathon not a sprint race. So what actions did we take that made a difference?

We partnered with a great school.
We developed great relationships with his teachers.
We always believed he could and told him this regularly.
Never allowed his literacy challenges to be a barrier.
We assisted him to develop independence by encouraging him to book his own reader writers, and to book in for tutorials when necessary.
Continuing with explicit evidence-based MSL instruction with his talented educator when we could.
We were realistic about how much he could manage and what was overkill. When overkill crept in with assignment overload we connected with his teachers and he asked for extensions.

So proud to share with you that we have made it out the other side. It’s a tough gig but one I wouldn’t change for the world.

Oh, the places he can now go. Oh, the relationships we have forged. Oh the people who have supported him. Oh, how grateful we are for the support he has received, the self-belief he has developed, and resilience he continues to show.

Incredible and well-deserved news for this family (and all who have supported him and us along the way) who have tirelessly parented and educated an amazing dyslexic learner through the schooling system for the past 12 years.

What a way to end Dyslexia Awareness Month.



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