You may be just starting out on your professional learning journey; you may be a parent wishing to know more; you may be a school leader working towards building shared understandings and consistent practice.
Learning MATTERS’ Chit Chats are a great source of knowledge and reflection for both educators and parents. We recommend you view these in the following order to systematically build your knowledge in your setting. We encourage you to use the accompanying discussion sheets and facilitate these sessions at a team and/or staff meeting, or you might just like to view them on your own.
We advise you use the strategy of READ (the discussion sheet) - LISTEN (listen to the Chit Chat) - CHAT (with your colleagues), sharing your thoughts, learnings and reflections. Of course, you are welcome to dip and dive into whichever you please, but we have strategically ordered these in a bid to build your knowledge and understanding in a cumulative way.
Recommended viewing order
Click on the images to download a discussion sheet
1. Educational achievement in literacy
A reporter's perspective after 6 years of investigation. What we know to be true now, with Emily Hanford.
View Chit Chat | Video length 35 minutes.
2. The history of teaching reading in New Zealand
The history of teaching reading in New Zealand, how we’ve got to where we are in New Zealand, with Professor James Chapman.
View Chit Chat | Video length 39 minutes.
3. What parents and teachers need to know about the teaching of reading
What parents and teachers need to know about the teaching of reading and what to look out for at home, with Professor Pamela Snow.
View Chit Chat | Video length 52 minutes.
4. How the brain learns to read
How the brain learns to read, with Dr Carolyn Strom.
View Chit Chat | Video length 34 minutes.
5. Introducing Structured Literacy
Dr Linda Farrell explains the Principles and Elements of the approach many schools are adopting and helps us to understand how this works.
View Chat Chat | Video length 30 minutes.
6. What types of books are used in schools implementing a Structured Literacy approach
What types of books are used in schools implementing a Structured Literacy approach? Text types explained, with Dr Tanya Serry.
View Chit Chat | Video length 58 minutes.
7. What does this instruction look like and how should it be delivered in our classrooms?
Explicit Direct Instruction and considerations for policy makers and university lecturers, with Dr Lorraine Hammond.
View Chit Chat | Video length 70 minutes.
8. A deeper dive into Explicit Instruction
A deeper dive into Explicit Instruction, with Dr Anita Archer.
View Chit Chat | Video length 51 minutes.
9. Executive Functions
Executive Functions, with Professor Adele Diamond. What is it, how do we work with it, and can we develop it?
View Chit Chat | Video length 35 minutes.
Other supporting material and next steps:
To further build your knowledge and understanding of some of the terms used in these Chit Chats, download our Glossary of Literacy Terms here.
To learn more about how a scope and sequence works and to cite a systematic and cumulative example, check out this foundation iDeaL Scope and Sequence.
If you would like to see some practical teaching videos in bite-sized pieces, you may wish to check out our Leap into Literacy Series.
Be sure to also check out the numerous FREE downloads from our website, which will also go a long way to building knowledge and practice.
If you are ready to take the next step with your professional learning in an even more facilitated and guided way, you might like to do one or all of the following;
Enrol in one of our professional learning opportunities
Subscribe to the iDeaL Approach and have access to further professional learning, assessments, teaching resources and leadership information at your fingertips
Contact us about consultancy support for your school.
Further Chit Chats you might be interested in...
Dr. Nathaniel Swain - The Science of Learning
August 2024: Carla and Nathaniel discuss the science of learning, including cognitive load theory, the principles of review, rehearsal, and retrieval, effective practice types and included some top teaching tips.
Nancy Hennessy - Structured Literacy & Comprehension
June 2024: Carla and Nancy discuss Structured Literacy, emphasising its foundation in understanding the connection between language and literacy.
Daryl Michel - Student-focused coaching
May 2024: Carla and Daryl discuss student-focused coaching, examining its processes and frameworks, providing practical examples, and share actionable tips for teachers and leaders.
Implementing Structured Literacy - Real World Results
May 2024: Carla, Tim, Andrea and Megan discussed the practical impact of Structured Literacy, showcasing real-world results and providing inspiration and evidence for others.
Implementing Structured Literacy - Insights from Education Leaders
May 2024: Carla, Paula Wine, and Nik Laing discuss Structured Literacy implementation in their kura and the challenges/successes they had.
Dr. Katie Pace Miles - Learning 'words' and the best way for us to teach these.
March 2024: Carla and Dr. Katie Pace Miles discuss learning 'words' and the best way for us to teach these.
School Leaders - Structured Literacy in the classroom
March 2024: Carla Chit Chats with Chris Cowman (Waterloo School), Deborah Gosnell (Manurewa West Primary School) and Abby Bates (St Patrick’s School Invercargill) as they discuss Structured Literacy in the classroom.
Dr. Jan Hasbrouck - How we can help build reading fluency for our learners.
January 2024: Carla and Dr. Jan Hasbrouck explain and discuss how we can help build reading fluency for our learners.
Joan Sedita - Writing instruction, with a focus on Joan’s book "The Writing Rope."
December 2023: Carla and Joan Sedita discuss various aspects of writing instruction, with a focus on Joan’s book "The Writing Rope." They explored the broader topic of adolescent literacy and reading instruction across all age groups.
Mary Wennersten, M.Ed. - The Term 'Structured Literacy'
October 2023: Carla and Mary (IDA) discuss the term Structured Literacy. Like others, we have observed the noise circulating regarding the use of the term.
Kareem Weaver - Equity in reading education and how we can make it a reality
August 2023: Carla and Kareem Weaver discuss 'The Right to Read' and what is being done in the US to shift the dial for ALL readers. Change is needed globally and Kareem is at the forefront of instigating that.
Elizabeth Norton PhD - Rapid Automatised Naming (RAN)
August 2023: Carla and Elizabeth Norton PhD discuss rapid automatised naming, explore ways to improve RAN and the instructional implications that might be considered.
2022 Literacy Trial overview
June 2023: Carla, Fiona, Esmee, and Jill discuss and explore various aspects of the literacy & communication support package trialled in 2022. Their conversation delves into the trial's design, implementation strategies, and the tangible impact it had on participants.
Dr. Jan Hasbrouck - Building reading fluency
June 2022: Carla and Jan explain and discuss how we can help build reading fluency for our learners.
Katie Tompkins - Structured Literacy in a secondary school
May 2022: Carla and Katie Tompkins chat about implementing Structured Literacy in a secondary intervention setting.
Dr. Stephanie Stollar - Types of intervention models
February 2022: Carla and Stephanie discuss Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and what characteristics school leaders should ensure are present in their intervention system.
Dr. Louisa Moats - Dyslexia and the crucial nature of spelling
October 2021: Carla and Louisa discuss dyslexia and the crucial nature of teaching SPELLING. Teachers MUST know what they are doing. They MUST be gifted with the knowledge to teach every child they sit across from
David Kilpatrick - What the research has taught us
Oct 2020: Carla and David (author of Equipped for Reading Success) discuss what the research has taught us about how the brain learns to read, why phonemic awareness is crucial as a foundation skill, what is orthographic mapping and how does this process work, and recommendations for classroom teachers who want to be able to ensure every student under their watch is literate.