Syllable Split

To secure the knowledge that syllables are parts of spoken and written words

*** FREE | iDeaL Reading Skills Record ***

Learning Matters


The iDeaL Reading Skills Record (iRSR) assesses reading accuracy, reading rate - wpm, fluency, and comprehension.

They have been specifically designed to support teachers with evaluating, monitoring, and tracking the progress of the reading skills of the children in their class. It will also support teachers with informing the next teaching steps in their classroom programmes.  

The components that are assessed in the iRSR align with the Building Blocks of Reading Success. 

There are 3 kits for the iRSR:

  • iRSR Kit 1

Kit 1 is for younger students aged 5-7 years reading early decodable texts. These students will be working within Curriculum Level 1. iRSR Kit 1 accompanies the iDeaL Stage 1 Scope and Sequence.

  • iRSR Kit 2

Kit 2 is designed to be used with older students who are reading decodable texts. It uses a range of decodable readers from the UK Phonic Books text series.

  • iRSR Kit 3

Kit 3 is designed to be used with authentic texts and is suitable for use with students working within Levels 2 - 4 of the curriculum. It uses excerpts taken from stories and articles found in Junior and School Journals.

Click here to access all 3 kits for FREE.


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